Health and wellness for women.
What you’ll learn
- Improvement of the physical and psycho-emotional health of woman..
- Increased vitality and general well-being..
- Prevention and/or improvement of hormonal and gynecological disorders in women..
- Self-development as a woman..
Course Content
- FU NU GONG Nine movements for health womenón –> 11 lectures • 47min.
Nine movements for health women:
- First movement: general harmonisation of the body.
- Second movement: breast massage.
- Third movement: opening of the Conception Vessel meridian (Ren Mai).
- Press point 17 VC.
- Press all over the Conception Vessel meridian.
- Massage of the Conception Vessel meridian.
- Massage of the abdomen.
- Lift the uterus.
- V-shaped massage.
- Dan Tian massage.
- Massage of the sides.
- Fourth movement: regulation of the waist meridian (Dai Mai).
- Massage of the lumbo-sacral area.
- Harmonisation of the waist meridian to the outside.
- Harmonisation of the waist meridian to the inside.
- Fifth movement: rotation of the Dan Tian like a full moon.
- Sixth movement: flexibility of the spine.
- Seventh movement: conduct the energy to harmonise between heaven and earth.
- Eighth movement: stimulation of the Wushu (27 VB) and Fengshi (31 VB) points.
- Ninth movement: spring comes to the garden.
FU NU GONG is a series of simple exercises specifically for women to help:
- regulate the hormonal system,
- balance the different stages of the hormonal cycle,
- strengthen the genital tract,
- prevent and relieve gynaecological disorders (premenstrual syndrome, menopausal disorders, cycle disturbances, infertility, breast disorders, etc.),
- support the pregnancy
- harmonize emotions,
- overcome physical and psychological trauma,
- stimulate creativity,
- awaken sexual energy,
- cultivate the feminine essence.
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