Here and Now – Mindfulness for Busy Professionals

Introduction to meditation for wellbeing and productivity

Meditation is a skill similar to playing a musical instrument or cultivating any other art. At first, it requires putting some effort, and the more we do it, the faster we can master it.

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Meditation is a skill similar to playing a musical instrument or cultivating any other art. At first, it requires putting some effort, and the more we do it, the faster we can master it.

An ancient text written thousands of years ago renders this in the following way, ‘speaking and acting with clear heart, he is followed by happiness as if by his never-departing shadow’. Philosophers and sages for millennia taught that mastering own mind brings more happiness than conquering whole the world. In fact everything we experience in life is reaccepted, processed and interpreted by our mind.

Conquering own mind gives us also a lot of control over our own body as well as environment we live in. This evolved into stories about almost unlimited skills and powers of yogis and gurus, such as Bodhidharma or Milarepa. While many celebrities today, for example, report ‘having an extra second or two to react’.

This very short meditation course shows how wellbeing can always be available to us even in the midst of very busy life. One of very effective techniques is mental noting, independently taught by two meditation masters. Each lesson is just a few minutes long, although you will need to spend at least 10 minutes everyday day developing your meditation skills.

We are going to start with simple exercises which I have introduced to make this journey more complete. After completing them, we can dive straight into practice. You will also learn why meditation may sometimes not work, and how adapt your daily practice to to make it effective in these circumstances.

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