Complete Yoga Program For Becoming Your Highest Self

Create Your Reality with Yoga – Postures, Breathwork, Meditation and more! Harness Prana and Meditate on the Chakras


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Welcome to a Complete Yoga Program For Your Highest Self,

You create your own reality, whether consciously or unconsciously. Now you can become a creator of your life, as opposed to just being a piece of creation, going about by the wimps of the collective; habitual and culturally unconscious tendencies.

Now you can become the miracle you desperately have sought outside of yourself, because in truth there is nothing or anyone beyond you, your Highest Self. Our eternal fire of truth is ever the same, although we go through motions and waves in this physical embodiment.

Yoga removes the veil which has covered our truth; playing a game of hide and seek through lifetimes, until we are finally ready to start yoga practice in all of its facets, not just physical, which is one limb of Yoga.

Whatever your reason for landing on this course, let this assure you that your wishes have been answered, but this can only be experienced directly by you, not merely told by another. Hence this very straightforward course in order for you to start practicing the science of Yoga and experience the wonders that the exalted, enlightened souls have always talked about, and today millions of people are seeking holistic, alternative methods to live life with vibrancy, purpose and joy, while fearlessly forging ahead and manifesting your desired reality or reach the highest attainment of life, which is Samadhi, Self-realization, Spiritual Enlightenment.

This Course covers all the 8 limbs of Yoga;

Through the study of Sankhya Philosophy (Study of metaphysics) you will come to learn how the Universe that is made of 24 elements operates, and how does this sense of “I” come into existence? What is the soul? What is the ego? What is the mind? What are the great elements and more?!

Learn about the dwelling place of the soul,  the importance of our cerebrospinal axis which have their corresponding energy centers we may have heard of – by the name Chakras -Psychic Energy Centers.

You will also learn about Chakras, how to meditate on the Chakras, what routine to follow and how to progress, dietary recommendations for a Yogic lifestyle.

Learn about the current state of Mental Wellness and the great need for Yogic practices to transcend the limitations and afflictions of the mundane world – One can live in the material world, but not be of it.

Lastly, the accomplishments – Siddhis (psychic powers) that one is bound to attain in the long path of Yoga, when practiced seriously and uninterruptedly.  Although the immediate benefits are also seen and experienced, which has led many to turn towards Yogic practices.

The teachings of Yoga Science are timeless, however it has been estimated that the current teachings recorded in writing in the language of Sanskrit (mother of all languages) came into existence between 2,000 – 5,000 years ago. Preserved through the darkest of ages, finally assimilated into English and other languages by gurus and teachers in the line of disciple succession, which allows the transmission of these teachings to be delivered in an online format such as this course.

ALL glory and credits for the immense teachings within the contents of this course go to Sri Krshna, Shiva AdiYogi, Mother Goddess Durga, Rshi Patanjali, Rshi Vyasa, Sage Kapila, Paramahamsa Yogananda, Jesus Christ, Sivananda Saraswati, Satyananda Saraswati, Kriyananda, B.K.S. Iyengar, Veda Bharati AND ALL OTHER YOGINS WHO HAVE EXPOUNDED THE SCIENCE OF YOGA, out of compassion for other souls to find home, find our eternal truth, that which is everything.

Atha Yoga Anushasanam – And Now begins the practice of Yoga