Learn Meditation/Hypnosis without a trance.

The Busy Persons Guide To Meditation

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The Busy Persons Guide To Meditation


You can meditate for a few hours or a few minutes or even a few seconds when you understand how it all works and what it means to be in a meditative state.

During our waking hours, we drift in and out of a meditation/self-hypnosis state many times during the day. At this time the untrained mind will wander and flutter around like a child in a playground. You will learn to change your focus and train your mind to take advantage of these moments or seconds and focus your attention on positive creative thoughts that will help you accomplish your goals.

This will increase your awareness of your surroundings and events in your personal or business life. When you are stressed, angry, afraid, or worried you are spending your time focusing on the problem which only intensifies the problem until you can’t see any solution. When you are relaxed you can seek the solution to your worries, find the problem, and move toward the solution. When you practice these techniques your awareness will improve helping you avoid unwanted circumstances. You may get a feeling not to take a certain road home and later find out there was an accident on that road and you have been delayed for a long period of time. Or suddenly have the desire to buy a lottery ticket and because you listened to that desire, you won some money.

These are some examples of the levels of awareness you can achieve when you learn to develop these techniques.

This is not just for beginners. I have taught this method to people who have been meditating for years and were not aware that it is possible to develop these abilities while carrying on your daily routines.

Being relaxed and aware becomes a way of life when you practice these methods.