Breathing Techniques For Body Strength

Passage of air, Breathing and physical exercise, Ambient pressure diving, Shortness of breath, breath control technique.

Breathing is the process of moving air out and in the lungs to facilitate gas exchange with the internal environment. mostly to flush out carbon dioxide and bring in oxygen. Breathing is important for life that usually occurs without much thought, when we breath immediately our blood cells receive oxygen and it also release carbon dioxide. We most clearly understand that carbon dioxide is a waste product that carried back through your body and exhaled. The convenience of our breathing or how we breath easily show how the body is functioning because poor breathing has a ripple effect on the health of the individual and is a great contribution in so many sickness. We must remember that improper breathing  can greatly upset the body and can be a contributing factor of depression, anxiety, panic attacks, emotional disturbances and fatigue, this must be taken care of so that it will not lead to more severe problem for the entire body and the body mechanism. Breathing exercise is very good for the body and help to make the body very strong example belly breathing can aid in the reduction of stress in the body system, this can be practice frequently in a relax mode to ensure that the body mechanism is relax so the maximum effect or gains can be obtained by the body to reduce the stress.

What you’ll learn

  • Breathing exercise for stress relief.
  • Passage of air: respiratory tract.
  • Effect of ambient air pressure, breathing at altitude.
  • Society and culture.
  • Work of breathing in ambient pressure diving.
  • Differential diagnosis: shortness of breath causes.
  • Treatment of shortness of breath.
  • Breathing and breath control, vocal technique in singers.
  • The physical and emotional benefits of breath meditation.
  • Control of ventilation.
  • Muscles of respiration.

Course Content

  • Introduction –> 5 lectures • 18min.
  • Passage Of Air: Respiratory Tract –> 3 lectures • 7min.
  • Effects Of Ambient Air Pressure: Breathing At Altitude –> 4 lectures • 11min.
  • Society And Culture –> 3 lectures • 5min.
  • Work Of Breathing In Ambient Pressure Diving –> 5 lectures • 14min.
  • Differential diagnosis: Cause Of Shortness Of Breath –> 7 lectures • 15min.
  • Treatment Of Shortness Of Breath –> 4 lectures • 5min.
  • Breathing And Breath Control Vocal Technique In Singers –> 5 lectures • 13min.
  • Breathing Exercise For Stress Relief –> 7 lectures • 13min.
  • The Physical And Emotional Benefit Of Breath Meditation –> 1 lecture • 3min.

Breathing Techniques For Body Strength


  • No requirement.

Breathing is the process of moving air out and in the lungs to facilitate gas exchange with the internal environment. mostly to flush out carbon dioxide and bring in oxygen. Breathing is important for life that usually occurs without much thought, when we breath immediately our blood cells receive oxygen and it also release carbon dioxide. We most clearly understand that carbon dioxide is a waste product that carried back through your body and exhaled. The convenience of our breathing or how we breath easily show how the body is functioning because poor breathing has a ripple effect on the health of the individual and is a great contribution in so many sickness. We must remember that improper breathing  can greatly upset the body and can be a contributing factor of depression, anxiety, panic attacks, emotional disturbances and fatigue, this must be taken care of so that it will not lead to more severe problem for the entire body and the body mechanism. Breathing exercise is very good for the body and help to make the body very strong example belly breathing can aid in the reduction of stress in the body system, this can be practice frequently in a relax mode to ensure that the body mechanism is relax so the maximum effect or gains can be obtained by the body to reduce the stress.

Breathing has a relationship with our mood, due to this some professionals believe that they can aid  to bring about a particular mood by adopting a certain breathing pattern, it is believe  that deeper breathing has a way to encourage a relax mood that will help in refreshing the body and change facial mood of the person. During my morning exercise when i breath continuously l can feel that the heart is working well and the body is more energize. This morning exercise make me feel strong through out the entire body. Breathing in the altitude has a special working in the body above a certain space the body mechanism change to suit the conditions in the sky to help the body work well.



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