Curb Cravings & Emotional Eating. The Yoda Way.

Find the root cause on why you sabotage all your health goals and create habits that stick!

It’s Time to Defeat the Darkside of Emotional Eating, the Yoda Way.

What you’ll learn

  • Create consistent healthy habits.
  • Reduce overeating and emotional eating.
  • Empower yourself around food.
  • Weight management with no strict diets or insane workouts.

Course Content

  • Welcome –> 1 lecture • 3min.
  • Introduction. How to best succeed. –> 1 lecture • 1min.
  • Week 1: Finding Your Path Through the Swamp –> 3 lectures • 13min.
  • Week 2: The Dark Side is Strong. Human behavior and how to hack it. –> 4 lectures • 22min.
  • Week 3: Power of the Mind. Path to the Light. –> 4 lectures • 26min.
  • Week 4: Diving Deeper. “There is No Try, Only Do or Do Not.“ –> 3 lectures • 9min.
  • Recap –> 1 lecture • 2min.
  • Bonus Lecture –> 1 lecture • 6min.

Curb Cravings & Emotional Eating. The Yoda Way.


It’s Time to Defeat the Darkside of Emotional Eating, the Yoda Way.


Let’s start to normalize your eating patterns, break yo-yo dieting, emotional eating, and all things that bring on shame and guilt with food. When we keep quitting all the time whether it is diet or exercise-related we damage our self-worth a little more every time. It’s time to STOP stopping on all your health goals and get empowered! For all us Star Wars nerds out there…Yoda will sprinkle his wisdom throughout the course but it is not overwhelming if you are not a true fan. These concepts will change how you look at food forever. “There IS something to see here, come on in” 🙂


What is Covered:

  • Driving force for why you overeat/emotionally eat in the first place.
  • Weekly & Daily action steps to form new empowering habits.
  • How to curb cravings in a hot minute.
  • How to re-program the mind to work FOR you vs AGAINST you.
  • Psst: there is a Jedi Mind Trick waiting for you in here.

WHO this IS for:

  • Overeaters…portion control, skipping meals, and then eating like a Tasmanian Devil at night.
  • Emotional eaters (bored, tired, stressed, lonely, etc)
  • Can’t seem to stick to any healthy habits…good for a bit and then quit. (yo yo’ing)

This is NOT:

  • A Nutrition plan. We DO look at creating habits for this though.
  • A workout plan.
  • Affirmations to say to yourself in the mirror.
  • Something you can just watch and not implement. Habits are only created by doing them.

Cheers – “The Habit Hacker”


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